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Learn Remote Sensing with Meenakshi Kumar's Book

Remote Sensing Book by Meenakshi

Remote sensing is a fascinating field that involves collecting and analyzing data from a distance, using sensors mounted on satellites, aircrafts, drones, or other platforms. Remote sensing can provide valuable information about the Earth's surface, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere, as well as other planets and celestial bodies. Remote sensing can also help us monitor and manage natural resources, environmental issues, disasters, climate change, urban planning, agriculture, forestry, archaeology, and many more applications.

Remote Sensing Book By Meenakshi

If you are interested in learning more about remote sensing, or if you are a teacher or a student who wants to incorporate remote sensing into your curriculum, you might want to check out this book: Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar. This book is part of the Reading to Learn series published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India. It is designed to introduce the basic concepts and principles of remote sensing to readers of different ages and backgrounds, using simple language, illustrations, examples, and activities.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what remote sensing is and why it is important, who Meenakshi Kumar is and what her book is about, how to use the book for learning and teaching remote sensing, what are some of the reviews and feedback on the book, and where to buy the book and how to contact the author. We hope that this article will inspire you to explore the fascinating world of remote sensing with this book.

What is remote sensing and why is it important?

Remote sensing can be defined as the science and art of obtaining information about an object or a phenomenon without being in physical contact with it. Remote sensing involves two main components: a sensor that detects electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light, infrared, microwave, etc.) emitted or reflected by the object or phenomenon; and a platform that carries the sensor (such as a satellite, an aircraft, a drone, etc.). Remote sensing also requires data processing, analysis, interpretation, and visualization techniques to extract useful information from the raw data collected by the sensor.

Remote sensing has many advantages over traditional methods of data collection, such as field surveys or ground measurements. Remote sensing can cover large areas in a short time, provide frequent or continuous observations over time, access remote or inaccessible regions, offer different perspectives or scales of observation, reveal hidden or subtle features or patterns, reduce costs and risks, and enhance accuracy and reliability.

Remote sensing has many applications and benefits for various fields and disciplines. Some examples are:

  • Earth observation: Remote sensing can help us study the Earth's geology, geomorphology, hydrology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, ecology, biogeology, etc. Remote sensing can also help us monitor natural hazards (such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, floods, droughts), environmental issues (such as deforestation, desertification, pollution, erosion, biodiversity loss), climate change (such as global warming, sea level rise, glacier melting, carbon cycle), and natural resources (such as water, soil, minerals, fossil fuels, renewable energy).

  • Land use and land cover: Remote sensing can help us map and classify the different types of land use and land cover (such as urban, rural, agricultural, forest, grassland, wetland, desert, etc.) and their changes over time. Remote sensing can also help us assess the impacts of human activities (such as urbanization, industrialization, agriculture, forestry, mining, tourism) on the environment and the society.

  • Agriculture and forestry: Remote sensing can help us estimate crop yield and quality, monitor crop growth and health, detect pests and diseases, assess soil moisture and fertility, optimize irrigation and fertilization, plan crop rotation and harvesting, etc. Remote sensing can also help us measure forest area and biomass, monitor forest health and fire risk, detect deforestation and degradation, estimate carbon sequestration and emissions, manage forest resources and conservation, etc.

  • Archaeology and cultural heritage: Remote sensing can help us discover and map archaeological sites and features, such as ancient settlements, monuments, tombs, temples, roads, canals, etc. Remote sensing can also help us document and preserve cultural heritage sites and landscapes, such as historic buildings, monuments, parks, gardens, etc.

  • Planetary science: Remote sensing can help us explore other planets and celestial bodies in our solar system and beyond, such as the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, comets, etc. Remote sensing can also help us study their geology, morphology, atmosphere, climate, weather, magnetism, gravity, etc.

Who is Meenakshi Kumar and what is her book about?

Meenakshi Kumar is a senior lecturer in the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics at NCERT. She has a master's degree in geography from Delhi University and a diploma in remote sensing from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS). She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching geography and remote sensing at various levels. She has also authored several books and articles on geography and remote sensing for school students and teachers.

Her book Remote Sensing is part of the Reading to Learn series published by NCERT. The series aims to develop reading skills and interest among students of different age groups (from upper primary to senior secondary) by providing them with books on various topics related to science and mathematics. The books are written in simple language with attractive illustrations and examples. The books also include activities and exercises to enhance learning outcomes.

The book Remote Sensing is intended for students of class IX to XII who are interested in learning about remote sensing. The book covers the following topics:

  • The history and scope of remote sensing

  • The electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter

  • The mapping cameras and their characteristics

  • The digital imagery and its processing

  • The image interpretation techniques

  • The land observation satellites and their sensors

  • The active microwave remote sensing

  • The lidar remote sensing

  • The thermal imagery

  • The image resolution

  • The preprocessing of remote sensing data

  • The image classification methods

  • The field data collection

  • The accuracy assessment of remote sensing data

  • The hyperspectral remote sensing

  • The change detection analysis

  • The applications of remote sensing in plant sciences

  • The applications of remote sensing in earth sciences

  • The applications of remote sensing in hydrospheric sciences

  • The applications of remote sensing in land use and land cover

  • The global remote sensing initiatives

How to use the book for learning and teaching remote sensing?

The book Remote Sensing is designed to be used as a self-learning or a supplementary material for students who want to learn about remote sensing. The book can also be used by teachers who want to introduce remote sensing concepts and principles to their students or to integrate remote sensing into their curriculum.

The book also includes activities and exercises at the end of each chapter to help the readers test their understanding and apply their knowledge of remote sensing. The activities and exercises are of different types, such as multiple choice questions, true or false statements, fill in the blanks, matching, crossword puzzles, word searches, etc. The activities and exercises also involve using remote sensing data and software to perform various tasks, such as image enhancement, image classification, change detection, etc. The book provides some sample data sets and software tools for the readers to use, but they can also use their own data sets and software tools if they have access to them.

What are some of the reviews and feedback on the book?

The book Remote Sensing has received positive reviews and feedback from various sources, such as teachers, students, researchers, and professionals who have used the book for learning or teaching remote sensing. Some of the common praises for the book are:

  • The book is easy to read and understand, with clear explanations and examples.

  • The book covers a wide range of topics and applications of remote sensing, with up-to-date information and references.

  • The book is well-illustrated with colorful diagrams, tables, charts, maps, photographs, etc.

  • The book is interactive and engaging, with activities and exercises that challenge and stimulate the readers.

  • The book is suitable for different levels and backgrounds of readers, from upper primary to senior secondary students.

Some of the areas for improvement of the book are:

  • The book could include more case studies or real-world examples of remote sensing applications in different fields and disciplines.

  • The book could provide more guidance or instructions on how to use the remote sensing data and software tools for the activities and exercises.

  • The book could provide more feedback or answers for the activities and exercises.

  • The book could be updated with more recent developments or innovations in remote sensing technologies and methods.

Where to buy the book and how to contact the author?

The book Remote Sensing is available for purchase online or offline from various sources. Some of the online sources are:


Google Books$10.00




Some of the offline sources are:

  • National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Bookstore, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, India.

  • Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) Library, 4 Kalidas Road, Dehradun, India.

  • Various bookstores and libraries in India and abroad.

If you want to contact the author, you can email her at or visit her website at


In this article, we have given you an overview of the book Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar, which is part of the Reading to Learn series published by NCERT. We have discussed what remote sensing is and why it is important, who Meenakshi Kumar is and what her book is about, how to use the book for learning and teaching remote sensing, what are some of the reviews and feedback on the book, and where to buy the book and how to contact the author. We hope that this article has inspired you to explore the fascinating world of remote sensing with this book.


  • What is the target audience of the book Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar?

The book is intended for students of class IX to XII who are interested in learning about remote sensing. The book can also be used by teachers who want to introduce remote sensing concepts and principles to their students or to integrate remote sensing into their curriculum.

  • What are the main topics covered in the book Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar?

The book covers 21 topics related to remote sensing, such as history and scope, electromagnetic radiation, mapping cameras, digital imagery, image interpretation, land observation satellites, active microwave, lidar, thermal imagery, image resolution, preprocessing, image classification, field data, accuracy assessment, hyperspectral remote sensing, change detection, applications in plant sciences, earth sciences, hydrospheric sciences, land use and land cover, and global remote sensing initiatives.

  • What are the main features of the book Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar?

The book is written in simple language with attractive illustrations and examples. The book also includes activities and exercises at the end of each chapter to help the readers test their understanding and apply their knowledge of remote sensing. The book also provides some sample data sets and software tools for the readers to use for the activities and exercises.

  • What are some of the benefits of learning remote sensing?

Remote sensing can provide valuable information about the Earth's surface, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere, as well as other planets and celestial bodies. Remote sensing can also help us monitor and manage natural resources, environmental issues, disasters, climate change, urban planning, agriculture, forestry, archaeology, and many more applications.

  • How can I buy the book Remote Sensing by Meenakshi Kumar?

You can buy the book online or offline from various sources. Some of the online sources are Google Books, Amazon, Flipkart, and OpenSea. Some of the offline sources are NCERT Bookstore, IIRS Library, and various bookstores and libraries in India and abroad.



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